after-school science program educates third, fourth, and fifth grade students in the Borrego Springs School District about the natural history of the desert environment that surrounds them and gives them a hands-on learning experience in critical issues of the future, such as energy, food production, climate change,  and water.
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  • Borrego Water District staff explains how a pump works to students
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The Science of Electricity
Students learn what electricity is, how it is generated, and they construct circuits to light the lights "around town" with a hand crank generator.
Water Wizards
The water cycle, the geology of aquifers, stdents construct an aquifer in a cup, and make observations as a miniature pump removes water from a aquifer in a fish tank to illustrate the over-draft of the Borrego aquifer
With live birds, mammals, and reptiles, and field trips into the desert, the story of how they have evolved to live in the our hot and dry environment.
Desert Plants
In the classroom and out into the desert to see and learn the basics of plant biology, photosynthesis,  and rhe remarkable ways local plants thrive in the hot and dry desert.
Trips into the desert to walk the canyons, feel the sandstone,  and see how the landscape came together over millions of years with the natural forces of the Earth's geology.
A school garden : How plants grow with water, sunshine, and care.  And in the end we eat what we grow!
The Earth, Moon, Sun, and Stars, and what it means to live in an International Dark Sky Community
