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Swainson's Hawks Over Borrego Valley 2012

April 14-Last Evening For the Season

Saturday, April 14
Migration Today
Swainson's Hawks-3
Turkey Vultures-15

A blustery day with intermittent rain, wind and clouds. By 9A the hawks and TV's were gone, possibly migrating through Palm Canyon. As the sun sets, so does the blog for the year. It's been a great year with the total number of Swainson's Hawks approaching 5,000. A full summary will be available in Hawk Migration Studies, a publication of Hawk Migration Association of North America. It will probably be available in late fall. Last year we counted almost 9,000 Swainson's Hawks. This year was a good example of "it's not the numbers". We had close encounters with kettle after kettle of hawks this year. Great close looks and wonderful evenings of hawk fall outs was the norm. The numbers below illustrate the spread of days with over 200 hawks in March (SW). Although huge numbers like 1,800 in a day last year, are exciting, they can be high and far away. Many days this year the SW's flew almost at eye level.

Evening Watch:
The wind continues and 5 Swainson's appeared but the roost site was not discovered.

Prediction for Sunday:
The temperature will increase tomorrow into the 80's with a warming trend all week. The possibility still exists for a number of Swainson's Hawks to come through. They may have been backed up by the storm. Hopefully tomorrow will provide surprises.

April 12-13-Season Officially Ends April 15

Migration April 12
Turkey Vulture-1
Migration April 13
Turkey Vultures-11

It looks like the season is coming to an end-pretty abruptly. Swainson's Hawks and TV's will continue to trickle through all the way into early May. I will be leaving for Chicago on Sunday so tomorrow. When I complete the summary for the season, I will put it into the blog.

I finally figured out how to Youtube. A little late, but exciting for next season. I'll share my first with you. It's only a few seconds and the dialog isn't very exciting, but anyway. Enjoy!

Evening Watch:
Rained out. We need the rain so we aren't complaining.

April 11 – Blown Away Today

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-0
Turkey Vultures-4

Photo of Caterpillar Tractor Knocking Down Tamarisk Trees
Tamarisk Killer off DiGiorgio Road – 4/11/12

Cool (60's), slight drizzle, becoming very windy with puffy fair weather cumulus clouds- a perfect hawkwatching sky. No Swainson's apparently migrated today. The TV's came up from Roadrunner Club and moved over the watch and out of town.

What's the status of all the Tamarisk Trees in rows everywhere in Borrego Springs? Today I watched as a tractor gobbled up dead and dying Tamarisk Trees. Two weeks ago over 100 Swainson's Hawks were roosting in these trees. The trees were planted as wind breaks as early as the 1950's, to protect the grape vineyards. When the grape industry ceased production in the 60's, the trees began to die as water was cut off. Today thousands of trees line roadways and stretch out between. They are water suckers and folks in Borrego hate them. Well, not the Swainson's Hawk lovers. The trees provide tremendous roosting opportunities throughout the valley. We believe that it will take 20 years or more to get rid of all of them.

Evening Watch:
At 6:40P a lone intermediate morph Swainson's Hawk flew in circled and landed in the Date Farm. The expected followers didn't show. Perhaps they have come in late.

Prediction for Thursday:
The wind should pick up overnight. Any hawks in town will depart early. Rain is forecast for tomorrow night into Friday.

Windy Tonight, Maybe Some Hawks on the Way

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-30
Turkey Vultures-13

6 Swainson's of over 50 beginning to stream 4/9/12

Weather was clear, hot (mid 80's) and light increasing wind. First lift off was at 8:30A as 4 Swainson's Hawks came out of Ellis Farm. By 10A 26 more lifted off from the same area. TV's began to rise from the Roadrunner Club at 9:20A. They apparently moved through Palm Canyon.

Question: Do the Swainson's Hawks move through Borrego Springs as they migrate south in fall? Yes, some repeat the journey south, however in limited numbers through our valley. In Mid-October we have had over 300 in a kettle spend the night and then move on. Totals for the fall have never been more than 500 or so. We do not monitor the migration as frequently.

Evening Watch: Only 4 Swainson's were counted this evening, going into Ellis Farm. Ten TV's were observed going into the back of the Date Farm.

Prediction for Wednesday: Windy conditions will prevail through the night. If it is still windy tomorrow early, the hawks and TV's will be gone by 7:30A.

April 9--Still Some Action Today

Monday, April 9, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-85
Turkey Vultures-61

Perched Swainson's Hawk in a Tamarisk Tree on Henderson Canyon Road

Weather was clear with some broken clouds, calm wind and warming into the 80's. Lift off from the Fun Farm and fields to the north and the Date Farm. Kettles up to 30 formed and then the hawks streamed as they moved north past the day site then northwest through Coyote Canyon. The Turkey Vultures mixed in with the SW's as they made their way out of the valley.

How can we help with an understanding of the migration route of Swainson's Hawks? Well, I have just begun to put SW migration sightings (not breeding sites) in California on a map. Anyone can contribute information with the number, time and date of Swainson's observations. Send the information to me (Hal) at Raptorhal3@gmail.com

Evening Watch
A beautiful evening and no apparent migration.

Prediction for Tuesday
Unless there is a late arrival this evening not much of a migration is expected. However, the wind is picking up and arrivals to the south and east may present themselves.

April 8-Spectacular Morning

Sunday, April 8, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-247
Turkey Vultures-115

Roosting Swainson's around the new Solar Field, 4/8/12

Weather today included calm wind, hot (80's by 10A) and high clouds. We arrived at the day site by 7:45A and viewed over 100 Swainson's along Henderson Canyon Road and the adjacent fields to the south and east. Hawks were even stationed in the new solar field including the top of the fence and on the ground. Turkey Vultures and Swainson's Hawks were also observed near Pekoff Farm on Borrego Springs Road. Lift-off began at 9A as hawks begin to rise directly to the east of the hawkwatch count site. Several kettles began to form as the hawks moved northwest. The Swainson's continued to kettle and stream from the east until 10:30A. The total included some SW's observed at Pekoff. Most of the Turkey Vultures departed from Borrego Springs Road near Pekoff Farm.

Evening Watch: At 6:30P around 50 Turkey Vultures flew in from the west. At 6:45P a group of around 70 Swainson's Hawks began to drop into the west side of the Date Farm and other moved south and landed in Tamarisks near the Fun Farm. Remaining in the area until 7:20P paid off as more Swainson's came in from high.

Prediction for Monday: If the wind remains calm we can expect around 100 Swainson's and 50 TV's to lift off between 8:30 and 9A. The best place to view the Swainson's Hawks is on Di Giorgio just north of The Springs RV Park. Most likely the hawks will re-locate to dead Tamarisks near Di Giorgio. The whereabouts of most of the TV's is unknown. Based on events from earlier today (more SW's than expected) we may see more than 100 SW's.

April 7-Nice Views Today

Subadult Light Intermediate Morph Swainson's Hawk-4/7/12

Saturday, April 7, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-63
Turkey Vultures-0

Weather today included calm wind, sunny with broken clouds and temperature 60's-lower 70's. First lift-off at 9A from a few places. Two Swainson's Hawks emerged from trees only a few hundred yards from the day site (see photo). They kettled up over the watch site, moved south to join six SW's from the Date Farm. By 9:15A hawks began to rise from Ellis and east of Ellis Farm. This kettle included around 45 birds. It appears that some of the hawks moved directly north as did the big kettle. The hawks streamed northwest making counting easy today. Additional small kettles formed at both Ellis Farm and the Date Farm.

What type of camera do you use to take photo's? I don't have a fancy camera. I use a Panasonic Lumix 24X mainly just for documentation. It's rather small and easy to carry. It does an adequate job but not as good as the pro's with their big lenses. The bird today was mighty close so it was easier to get a decent photo.

Evening Watch: Another calm beautiful evening. At 6:15P about a dozen Swainson's Hawks were spotted very high. They didn't land. At 6:45P a large group of hawks was sighted to the north. At least 35 TV's and 15-20 Swainson's Hawks have landed near the day site.

Prediction for Sunday: Weather should be calm and warming into the 80's tomorrow. Lift-off should take place between 8:30 and 9:15A. The best place for viewing is at the day site on Di Giorgio Rd near Henderson Canyon Road.

April 5-6-Catch Up: 65-100 Hawk Drop-In Tonight

Swainson's Hawk flying to the moon-Ray Spence April 3, 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-39
Turkey Vultures-1

Weather warm, 63-77 F, winds calm then breezy at 15 mph, wispy clouds. First lift-off at 8:15A from Ellis Farm. Kettles began to appear to the north as hawks streamed in from the east along Coyote Mountain. For the past few days we have observed some hawks moving to our north. Pictured above is a Swainson's Hawk moving through the moon. Ray Spence took this picture earlier this week. A kettle of SW's was observed with the moon in the background.

Friday, April 6, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-26
Zone-tailed Hawk-1
Turkey Vultures-7

Discussion: Weather was cool, 60 F, wind was calm with high clouds. First lift-off at 8:20A from the east. Once again we began to see small kettles just below Toro Peak. It appears that most of the hawks are coming in from the east/southeast along Coyote Mountain before kettling below Toro. We watched a hawk move from the Date Farm area, at a distance identifying it as a Turkey Vulture. As it approached it became apparent that it was buteo size with a bigger head. The body was blackish with white primaries (similar pattern to a TV), the tail had a dark subterminal band.

Evening Watch: A beautiful calm evening with a drop-in. At 6:30P we watched a lone Swainson's Hawk fly from Ellis going south. It joined a large group of streaming hawks going toward Ellis Farm. In all I counted 65 birds before they dropped into Ellis.

Prediction for Saturday: Calm conditions will keep the hawks in late. Lift-off between 8:15-9A from Ellis Farm. Expect anywhere from 65-100 Swainson's Hawks. Best viewing will be from the day site and Henderson Canyon Road where it intersects Borrego Valley Road.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-102
Turkey Vultures-1

Saul Miller creates cartoons for the The Borrego Sun

April 4-Surprise Hawks Today

High clouds, warm (upper 70's) with a slight breeze. By 9:30A 50 Swainson's moved through the valley. Most coming up from Ellis Farm and points to the east. At 11A a kettle of SW's began to form to the north, just below Toro Peak. The kettle grew and birds began to stream through Coyote Canyon. New SW's from the east came into view. Some Swainson's came in from the south as well. The second wave probably roosted near highway 78 and arrived late.

Do the Swainson's Hawks eat rabbits? Yes, but only on the breeding grounds. Borrego Bunnies are safe

Evening Watch:
Only a handful of Swainson's this evening. Some going to the Date Farm and a few roosting at Ellis Farm.

Prediction for Thursday:
Hopefully we will have another surprise fly-in of Swainson's Hawks. Light wind should keep the hawks in until around 9A. Best place to view from will be the day count site on Di Giorgio Road.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-14
Turkey Vultures-7

April 3-Only a Few Swainson's Trickling In

Some clouds, warm (70's) and light wind. Most of the hawks kettled up from Ellis Farm. The TV's came out of the Date Farm.

As of today I will report every few days unless there is a large number of Swainson's Hawks arriving.

Evening Watch: Sixteen Swainson's Hawks and 13 TV's came in around 6:15P. It appears that the SW's put down in Ellis Farm and the TV's at the Date Farm. The wind has picked up and should continue through tomorrow.

Prediction for Tomorrow: Once again the raptors will move early if the winds continues into the morning hours. The day count site on Di Giorgio Rd is probably the best spot to view the hawks.

Monday, April 2, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-10
Turkey Vultures-0

Another shot of SW's from Saturday March 31 along Borrego Springs Rd.

April 2 - Not Much Happening

Mostly sunny with light wind and warming to 70's. Seven Swainson's Hawks took off from Ellis Farm at 9:15A followed by 3 separate hawks.

Evening Watch:
We watched 11 Swainson's Hawks fly into the valley as singles. A few of the SW's moved to Ellis Farm close to the night site. We anticipated more hawks as the singles came from very high. Perhaps we have missed some birds late.

Prediction for Tuesday:
Once again only a few Swainson's Hawks have roosted in the Date Farm and Ellis Farm. Calm wind tomorrow will get the birds up late, 8:30-9A.

Sunday, April 1, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-26
Turkey Vultures-8

Toro Peak (8,900 feet) with a kettle of Swainson's Hawks 3/31/12

April 1- Summary for March 2012

Very windy, clear and cool weather today. We had blowing sand throughout the morning hours. Hawks began to move by 6:45A. There was no kettling as hawks moved out of the valley at tree level to avoid the west/northwest wind, blowing up to 40mph. By 10A the last of the hawks and vultures was counted.

This year we have had 4,147 Swainson's Hawks migrate through the valley in March. The highest March count was last year, 2011. Only one other year (2008) was higher than 2012.

Evening Watch:
The wind has simmered down but hawks have also slowed down. We had only 4 Swainson's Hawks and 4 TV's fly into the valley. At least 3 SW's are roosting at the Date Farm. One lone SW flew to Ellis Farm.

Prediction for Monday:The wind should pick up again this evening. The few hawks and TV's will probably leave the valley early.

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-421
Turkey Vultures-13

Swainson's Hawk on Borrego Springs Rd. 3/31/12

A Wonderful Day for Hawks

Calm wind with increasing breeze, clear and warm 60's-80. The Swainson's were lined up on Tamarisk Trees along Borrego Springs Rd and Pekoff Farm. The first lift-off of one SW from Borrego Springs Rd at 8:40A. By 9A hawks were flapping low across Borrego Springs Rd to kettle to the west. Over 300 Swainson's flew to a few large kettles. Several SW's lifted off from the Date Farm. Some SW's came out of Ellis. The hawks streamed through Coyote Canyon by 10A.

This is the last addition from PORTS. We finally made it happen! 1700 students were able to learn about the Borrego Valley Hawkwatch and the conservation of Swainson's Hawks and other migratory species. Forty sessions were taught in March! Using a scope and binoculars encouraged students to get out and take a closer look. LuAnn will meet with some classes again this spring and will start by asking how many have done some additional birding, listening or maybe even listing.

This final week 21 Classes came out to the Hawkwatch via the PORTS program. Olive Vista Middle School from Los Angeles and Windermere Ranch from Contra Costa County up north where some of the hawks are headed.Thanks for bringing your students to California State Parks to learn about conserving animal species through understand their habitats and natural history. LuAnn hopes to hear about the new birds your student's have discovered when she meets you later in the spring with more Science in California State Parks.

When does the season end? We may have hawks move through into May. However, the watch officially closes down April 15. By the end of the first week of April the number of hawks falls sharply.

Evening Watch:
Some crazy folks stayed at the evening watch site in 40 mph wind and sand blasting. At least a dozen Swainson's Hawks stayed aloft and landed at the Date Farm. While we were hiding from the wind, someone found 24 Swainson's hawks coming to roost in Tamarisks along Borrego Valley Road near Ellis Farm and Roadrunner Tree Farm. This may be only part of a larger group in that area.

Prediction for Sunday:
Wind may get the hawks up very early. Some will kettle up from the Date Farm. Additionally a larger group will lift off from Ellis and Roadrunner Tree Farm. There might be more near the potato fields. The best viewing spots are Henderson Canyon Road and Borrego Valley Road and at the evening site.

Friday, March 30, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-23
Turkey Vultures-0

Coming in to roost late 3/30/12

Maybe Tonight? Yes!!!-ALERT-MEGA KETTLE

Weather today was calm and warm-65-85 degrees with high clouds and light breeze. The first lift off was at 9:05A from the Date Farm. At 10:15A more SW's appeared from the southeast and more at 10:15A west of the watch site. The later arrivals probably roosted further from the day site.

Question: Is the season coming to a close? Well, the migration through our valley has slowed down. However, there is mounting evidence that Swainson's Hawks are moving through other areas. Another radioed hawk has crossed the border and moved northwest on the east side of the Salton Sea. At least 60 SW's were sighted at Joshua Tree National Park the other day. Another dozen were seen near Holtsville, CA. So the short answer is no, the hawks are moving but not through Borrego Springs.

Evening Watch:
At 6:15P the first kettle came in with around 28 Swainson's. Soon another small group came in. It appears that the 40 or so SW's have settled into Ellis Farm. At 6:45P a mass of Swainson's Hawks appeared to the west. They grew and began to kettle looking like a tornado. They finally touched down in the back of the Date Farm and probably on Tamarisks west of Di Giorgio Rd. Too many to count. Wild estimates of 350-600 Swainson's Hawks totally.

Prediction for Saturday:
The predicted wind for tomorrow will start late hopefully. Lift-off at 8:15A-9:30A with best observation points on Di Giorgio Road north of The Springs RV Park. Also on Di Giorgio Road near Big Horn. Expect huge kettles.

Thursday, March 29, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-12
Turkey Vultures-14

kettle of Turkey Vultures
Does this look like a kettle? TV's 3/29/12

Hopefully, the Big Push Will Develop Soon

Weather today was sunny with stringy clouds and warming into the 80's and light wind. At 8:45A the first Swainson's was observed low over Ellis. It flapped its way toward Coyote Canyon. All of the SW's moved in small groups of 2 or 3. There was some aerial feeding over the potato fields to the east of Ellis. TV's lifted off from both the Date Farm and east of the Roadrunner Club. Very little kettling today.

What is a kettle? As the raptors begin to rise on warm air, they circle about creating the image of a kettle. Use your imagination

Evening Watch:
Not much to report. Four TV's and 7 Swainson's Hawks dropped into the Date Farm.

Prediction for Friday:
Warm calm weather predicted for tomorrow. It looks like we have a few Swainson's Hawks that are hanging around. Best place to view takeoff is at the evening site on Borrego Valley Road.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-42
Turkey Vultures-5

View of the mountains, 3/28/19, 7:30P

Still Waiting for the Big Day

Weather was calm, warm with only a light breeze. Just after 9A a Swainson's Hawk took off and headed into Coyote Canyon followed by 13 SW's from The Springs RV Park. Turkey Vultures kettled up at 9:30A and headed west then northwest out of the valley. The wind picked up after 10A and more SW's migrated possibly from Ellis Farm. At 11A a late arrival of 23 Swainson's were spotted along Coyote Mountain. We have been getting late arrivals in this direction for a few days now. This indicates a roost site near Ocotillo Wells.

Question: Why do you watch for incoming hawks after the sun goes down? Our photo today is the sky at 7:30P. The hawks would have no problem negotiating the sky in this light. Almost every evening we have very late incoming hawks.

Evening Watch:
Around 25 Swainson's and 24 TV's came in to roost at the Date Farm this evening. We had a great sky and were very optimistic about a big drop in. March 28, last year we had over 1,800 Swainson's.

Prediction for Thursday:
Unless we have a surprise visit of hawks from roost sites further south or east, we can expect around 30 Swainson's Hawks and 24 TV's to take off between 8 and 9A. The hawks will probably take off from the Date Farm. The best place to view the lift off is the evening site on Borrego Valley Road.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-281
Turkey Vultures-11

Nice Day With Surprises

Clear skies with a light breeze throughout the morning. We were surprised by the number of Swainson's Hawks roosting near the day count site. Sixty plus birds perched on the ground at sunrise in the fields west of the day count site. At 8:35A 25 SW's kettled up above the cars before streaming north. Smaller groups of 4 to 5 hawks took off from Ellis Farms and the potato fields. Just after 10A a kettle of 25 SW's was observed in the gap between San Ysidro and Indian Head. Several other SW's kettles came in from the east swelling this new group to 165.

Recently 2 of the radioed birds mentioned in previous posts, crossed the border with Mexico (March 23rd). The maps pictured below provide the route of one of the hawks. It crossed the border 2 miles east of Mexicali. It stayed over for several hours in the agriculture fields about 5 miles east of Calexico. In the afternoon it continued northwest apparently not stopping as it passed 4 miles east of El Centro, then 5 miles west of Brawley, 5 miles west of the southern tip of the Salton Sea, 13 miles east of Borrego Springs, 3 miles east of Anza and then over Hemet to finally roost near Pasadena. Hopefully I am correct in calculating the distance as over 175 miles.

This is quite interesting and impressive. Did the hawk move through Clark Valley? Or through Borrego Valley? Thirteen miles east would put the bird near Truckhaven. Get those maps out and comment.

Route of Hawk: Mexicali to East of Borrego Springs

Route of Hawk: Borrego to Hemet

Route of Hawk: Hemet to near Pasadena

Where near Pasadena do the hawks roost? The second hawk that passed through the border on March 23 also roosted near Pasadena. I don't have the answer. Perhaps someone has observed them near Pasadena.

Evening Watch:
We were disappointed by the low number of raptors this evening. Perhaps more surprises are awaiting us. Only 13 Swainson's and 12 TV's were observed. The SW's are roosting in the Date Farm.

Predictions for Wednesday:
Maybe there are some late arrivals. With continued mild conditions the raptors will probably ring up around 8:30A tomorrow from the Date Farm. It is always possible that many Swainson's Hawks have roosted an hour from Borrego Valley. If so we will again have late arrivals (around 10A).

Monday, March 26, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-6
Turkey Vultures-1

Flying Ants Mating (enlarged) 3/25/12

In Between Waves

Cool morning with scattered clouds and a slight breeze. At 8:50A the Swainson's Hawks lifted off from the Roadrunner Club. The TV took off in the same direction.

What is aerial feeding? Often the Swainson's Hawks fly about and pounce on ants or other insects in the air. After a rain and a warming trend, winged females and winged males are produced. The ants will fly fairly high and copulate in the air. Females will drop to the ground and begin a new colony. The males die shortly after mating. Three days ago we had over 200 feeding Swainson's Hawks.

Evening Watch:
Only 28-30 Swainson's Hawks were observed coming to roost near the day site on Di Giorgio Rd. Twelve Turkey Vultures were seen earlier, roost site unknown.

Prediction for Tuesday:
The wind should be light tomorrow so take off from the day site should take place around 8:30A.

Swainson's Hawk pouncing on flying ants

Sunday, March 25, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-576
Turkey Vultures-6

Swainson's Hawks on the ground at 6:45A 3/25/12

Remarkable Views of Over 500 Swainson's

Fearing an early departure I ventured out at 6:20A. The wind was up and at 6:30A a huge gathering of hawks lifted up from the Date Farm. They did not rise high and descended into the trees and adjacent field. The first real lift off occurred at 8A from the Date Farm and Ellis Farm. Several kettles began to form and the hawks moved west. Many crossed Di Giorgio Road then returned to the east to join other kettles. Finally hawks began to stream to the west in earnest. Some at tree level The kettling and streaming lasted for an hour. From 9A-10A small kettles formed, some low, some very high. A few individuals remained in the area, aerial feeding.

How far will the hawks fly today? Well, we don't know. The average daily flight is somewhere around 80 miles or so. The hawks may fly further if conditions are right. Two hundred miles in a day is possible. We have very little information from points north after the hawks leave Borrego Springs.

Evening Watch:
Only a few left over hawks were observed this evening. The rainy conditions may have slowed the migration. Of course we may have surprises tomorrow.

Prediction for Monday:
We do not expect much of a migration. However, we have been fooled in the past. Tomorrow evening, after the storm, may be productive. The best migration days are coming in the next few soon.

Saturday, March 24, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-295
Turkey Vultures-63

Swainson's showing a bow stature streaming to the roost 3/24/12

ALERT! Over 300 Swainson's In Tonight

At 8:40A kettles of Swainson's Hawks began to develop from the Date Farm. They continued to stream off the Eucalyptus Trees for 30 minutes. Kettles formed and streaming continued as the hawks moved north closer to the day site. They began to arial feed on ants. They began to drift east over the potato fields. Over 200 SW's moved about pouncing on flying ants. By 10A they began to stream out through Coyote Canyon. Several Turkey Vultures followed them out.

Swainson's showing a bow stature streaming to the roost 3/24/12

Why don't you count in the evening? We do count but it is difficult to get an accurate count as the hawks fly high and spread out. This evening is a good example. At least 75 SW's settled into the Ellis Farm. The remainder flew high and landed in the Date Farm. The day site is situated in an area that allows us to watch all directions as the hawks migrate.

Evening Watch:
Another spectacular evening. At 6:20P hundreds of Swainson's Hawks were observed far to the north. They kettled then streamed back and forth. Finally at 6:50P a huge stream moved over the night watch site. The SW's descended into the back of the Date Farm. Estimates range from 300 to 500 or more Swainson's and a handful of TV's

Prediction for Sunday:
Unfortunately we may experience early AM wind. This will spur the Swainson's to begin flying just after sunup at 6:45A or so. If lucky the wind will wait until later. Aerial feeding may take place. If so, the hawks will remain in the area a little longer. Best places to view the hawks are at the night site on Borrego Valley Road, or Di Giorgio Road north of The Springs RV Park or the day count site on Di Giorgio.

Friday, March 23, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-618
Turkey Vultures-10

A dark morph among some light morphs 3/23/12

Best Day of the Year and the Wave Continues: ALERT!

Wispy high clouds dominated the sky today. Temperature was warm, 60-s to low 70's. Several watchers came out for the show. We thought that fresh breezes would stimulate the hawks early. The watch began at 6:30A. The flight began at 8:20A, a long wait. Swainson's Hawks roosted on trees leading into the Fun Farm and the date farm as well as isolated trees. At least 60 SW's moved from perches to the ground early. Only a few appeared to be feeding, probably on flying ants. The first liftoff brought the hawks close to the day site. By 9:10A most of the hawks were airborne. Kettles formed and dissipated as the hawks meandered back and forth before streaming toward Coyote Canyon. The day site counted 435 Swainson's. Additionally, 126 SW's were counted flying close to Coyote Mountain. These hawks flew from an outlying area to the east. At 10A a large kettle of Swainson's Hawks was sighted very high toward Coyote Mountain. Additional hawks joined the kettle. At least 50 and probably more SW's were moving close to the mountain toward Coyote Canyon.

I keep hearing about morphs? What is a morph? A morph is a genetic variation, like blond, brunette, redhead. Most of the Swainson's Hawks we see are light morphs, some are very dark and some rufous or intermediate. Strangely the literature indicates that only 10-15% of California Swainson's are light in summer. See the variation between light and dark in the photo above. Swainson's Hawks do not have subspecies and only Red-tailed Hawks have more color variety.

Evening Watch:
Two hundred plus Swainson's Hawks and 50 Turkey Vultures dropped in this evening. The SW's are roosting across the road from the evening watch site on Borrego Valley Rd. The whereabouts of the TV's is unknown.

Prediction for Saturday:
The wind should be light so expect lift off between 8 and 9A. The best place to watch the kettles form are at the evening site on Borrego Valley Rd, or on Di Giorgio north of the Springs RV Park and at the day site on Di Giorgio Rd.

Thursday, March 22, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-34
Turkey Vultures-1

A Few Hawkwatch Leaders
(More Below)

ALERT! The Next Wave in Borrego!! Hundreds of Swainson's Here!!!

Weather was clear and calm to start, with a slight southeast breeze developing later. Temperature 55-80 degrees. Lift off of 25 SW's from the Date Farm at 9:05A. The hawks flapped their way out of the valley through Coyote Canyon. The second group took off at 9:30A and streamed out of the valley. One lone TV came out of the Roadrunner Club.

This week Emerson Middle School and Griffith Middle School from Los Angeles visited the Hawkwatch. Thanks for bringing your students to share this conservation story. All of the classes generated amazing hypotheses as to why these hawks' populations have decreased over time. We were also impressed with the list of raptors and other California bird species that sixth grade students were able to generate. We challenge you all to get out and listen as all of the spring bird songs begin and look to the sky!

Evening Watch:
At least 300 and perhaps 500 Swainson's have descended into trees lining the road to the Fun Farm on Di Giorgio Rd. A dozen or more TV's have shown up as well.

Prediction for Friday:
If the wind does not develop during the night expect a huge kettle or kettles to form between 8A and 9:30A tomorrow. Best place to view will be just north of The Springs RV Park on Di Giorgio Rd. If the winds pick up early the hawks will depart just after sunup.

More Hawkwatcher Leaders 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-79
Turkey Vultures-18

Swainson's Hawk-3/19/12
Courtesy of Pam Albers

Fewer Swainson's Than Expected Today

Weather today was sunny with calm wind. Temperature ranged from 60-70 degrees. At 9A the Swainson's kettled up from the driveway of the Fun Farm. At 9:30A Turkey Vultures begin to rise from Roadrunner Club in small groups. Around noon time a late arrival of 45 Swainson's Hawks was spotted near Indian Head Peak. The photo above was taken through a scope using a point and shoot camera.

Yesterday's question was: Why is there a discrepancy between the number of hawks counted coming into roost in the evening and leaving the following day? Today was an exception. We counted more hawks last night than what we observed leaving today. Perhaps some of the hawks re-located to other roost sites that were not observed from the count site. In actuality, most of the time we see fewer in the evening and more in the morning exiting the valley. We believe that hawks continue to arrive after dark. Our perception of darkness and the hawks view are different. Hawks can see far later into the evening hours than we can.

Evening Watch:
This evening 25 Swainson's Hawks came into the Date Farm to the northwest side. A few TV's also flew into the area. We now have around 6 resident TV's.

Prediction for Thursday:
Light winds indicate a late take off, probably around 9A. Again, watching from Di Giorgio Rd near the entrance to the Fun Farm is best.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-79
Turkey Vultures-15

Light Morph Swainson's Hawk

Stable Weather and Hawks Trickle In

Skies were clear and blue for a few hours before a haze from the east moved in. Wind was cam to a light breeze. At 9:15A 11 Swainson's lifted off from Ellis Farms kettled up and streamed into Coyote Canyon. Several distant kettles of 10-20 birds were seen at the back of Ellis, probably at the potato fields. Several nice kettles wee observed between Ant Hill and Inspiration before all streamed into Coyote Canyon. At 10:30A 11 TV's were seen circling above roadrunner. One lone dark morph SW was spotted near De Anza.

Why is the number of hawks arriving in the evening always lower than the number of hawks leaving the next day? See Prediction below.

Evening Watch:
At 6:15P TV's and some Swainson's were spotted to the south near Roadrunner Club. The SW's streamed to the Date Farm and began to kettle up. Other SW's joined the mix from the north. In all, 46 Swainson's were counted going to roost in the back of the date farm.

Prediction for Wednesday
The number of hawks observed arriving at roosts is almost always lower than the number leaving the following day. We can predict anywhere from 46-100 Swainson's leaving tomorrow. The sky will be clear and the wind calm. Departure will be around 9A. A good place to view the hawks will be on Di Giorgio Rd. north of the Springs RV park.

Monday, March 19, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-584
Turkey Vultures-24

Perched Swainson's at Sunup 3/19/12

Surprise Numbers of Swainson's Today Migrating

The weather this morning included a mostly cloudy sky, temperatures in the 40's with a breeze from the north. The Swainson's Hawks that were observed yesterday evening spread out to several roost locations. Liftoff began at 7:25A from the Roadrunner Club and the Fun Farm off of Di Giorgio. The hawks streamed to the northwest in several kettles. Swainson's Hawks began to appear as a very high stream from the southeast. They kettled above Di Giogio Rd before departing to the northwest. These birds probably roosted at Bowen Ranch and La Casa Del Zorro. We counted 287 SW's in the early liftoff. We waited on Di Giorgio Rd as a large number of Swainson's were perched in Tamarisks in rows radiating west from Di Giorgio Rd. At 9:15A the SW's left the trees and formed many kettles. During a 45 minute period, kettles formed and streamed northwest. Small kettles began to form to the south with mixed SW's and TV's. The totals in the late departure included 297 Swainson's and 24 TV's.

What happened to the hawks with transmitters on them?

1. Information from a week ago. One Swainson's Hawk entered California on March 7 about 12 miles west of Calexico, continued northwest crossing the west portion of Anzo-Borrego SP and then up to Julian and Valley Center.

2. The second entered on March 12 about 6 miles east of Calexico, continued to El Centro and travelled northwest from El Centro to Ranchita. This bird was just south of the border at 0900 hrs on March 12th. The next reading was from Ranchita late evening of the 12th. The following day the bird was north of LA near Santa Clarita. This bird may have passed through Borrego Springs up Hell Hole Canyon or Montezuma Valley Road. This bird moved very fast and never spent the night in Borrego Valley. This raises questions as to when it may have passed through our valley. That is, if indeed it did pass through Borrego Valley

So both of these birds used the same general trajectory, one further east than the other. It does look like they flew through a portion of the Anza- Borrego SP.
As of March 15th, two hawks are still in South America, one in Central America, and 4 in Mexico. The birds in Mexico may have moved past our region already. More information later.

Evening Watch:
15 Swainson's flew into the area at 6:35P. They apparently landed at Ellis Farm. 11 TV's were observed in the vicinity of the date farm earlier.

Prediction for Tomorrow:
Calm wind tomorrow so liftoff around 8:30-9A. The day count site on Di Giorgio Rd might be the best place to be.

The Day's First Kettle 3/19/12

Sunday, March 18, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-0
Turkey Vultures-0

Snowy Day-No Migration-Monday ALERT

40's today and snow down to 2500'. One lone Swainson's Hawk was observed at the day site.

What will the weather do for migration in the coming days? By Tuesday we should have good migration as the front has stalled migration from Mexico. At this point only 2 of the 11 radioed Swainson's have crossed the border. Details to follow.

Evening Watch:
We were surprised this evening as over 200 Swainson's appeared over Roadrunner Club. They settled into Eucalyptus trees only to be blown away. They relocated to trees north of the Springs RV park. Many are still at the Roadrunner Club. Additionally at least 50 have been located at La Casa Del Zorro to the south.

Prediction for Monday:
The windy conditions will remain into the morning hours. The 200 plus Swainson's Hawks and Turkey Vultures (around 25-35), will probably depart the valley at first light. Folks planning to venture into town should check the roads. Approaching from the mountains may require chains. Temperature in Borrego tomorrow will be in the 50's early, rising into the 60's. Di Giorgio Road north of the Springs RV Park may be the place to be.

Coming into roost at Roadrunner Club-3/18/12

Roosting in Eucalyptus Tree RR Club-3/18/12

Saturday, March 17, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-0
Turkey Vultures-0

Looking west at Indian Head Peak this evening

Rain This Evening

Although the rain didn't begin until this afternoon, we had no migration today. Presently it is windy, cloudy and rainy. By Tuesday or Wednesday of this coming week, we should see a nice migration.

Evening Watch:
No watch this evening. The photo above was taken at 6P looking west. Tomorrow morning the peaks behind Indian Head will be white with snow.

Prediction for Sunday:
Rain should continue through the night (locals love it). Conditions will improve and perhaps tomorrow evening we will have incoming raptors.

How are the statistics this year compared to the past 9 years? As of today we have had 1,220 Swainson's Hawks and 579 Turkey Vultures. This is the second best year at this time for Swainson's numbers. Last year we had 1,696 SW's by March 17. More than 75% of the Swainson's counted in a season, show up between March 17 and the end of the season. So, most of the Swainson's Hawks are on the way.

Friday, March 16, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-2
Turkey Vultures-27

Windy Tonight, Rain Tomorrow

The weather was warm, calm with wind picking up to 5 mph from the SE. The TV's roosted at the Date Farm and then moved to the Roadrunner. First liftoff was at 9:10A. Most of the TV's moved west then northwest through Coyote Canyon. The two Swainson's Hawks left the valley first.

Evening Watch:
A blustery evening with brisk wind from the west. Three Swainson's Hawks and 11 TV's were spotted. The TV's remained in the sky most of the evening. Two of the Swainson's came into the Date Farm. The third SW put down at Ellis Farm.

Prediction for Saturday:
RAIN and WIND-Probably no migration.

What is the size difference between the Swainson's Hawks and Ravens? Take a look at the photo and you be the judge.

Swainson's Hawk and Raven
Photo courtesy of Susie Sjnishio

Thursday, March 15, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-32
Turkey Vultures-16

Storm Approaching from the North

Weather was mostly clear, calm to start, 3 mph WNW to end 58-70 degrees. Both the SW's and TV's roosted at both the date farm and the Roadrunner Club. Liftoff at 9:10A for both species at the Roadrunner. At 9:15A another liftoff from the date farm. The raptors moved low and slow to the west and finally out Coyote Canyon. The TV's pictured here were observed on Palm Canyon Drive near the Roadrunner Club.

Beginning Saturday we will have a wind and rain event. The much needed rain will probably begin Saturday afternoon. The wind will begin increasing Friday evening. This may slow migration as the the storm moves quickly to the south. The next wave of Swainson's Hawks will probably begin Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.

What is the protected status of the Swainson's Hawk in California. The Swainson's Hawk is listed as State-threatened under the California Endangered Species Act of 1983. "It is considered an uncommon breeding resident and migrant in Northern California, and occurs primarily in the Central Valley and on the Northeastern Plateau". Once abundant throughout Northern California, the numbers have declined considerably. Disturbance of breeding and foraging habitat are the primary cause.

Evening Watch:
Only 22 Turkey Vultures and 1 Swainson's came into the valley this evening. The location of the roost is unknown.

Prediction for Friday:
The wind is predicted to increase through the morning hours. Migration of the TV's and lone SW may be early. The Circle of Art Festival has been cancelled this weekend and will be next weekend instead.

Heh! Move over so I can spread my wings!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-103
Turkey Vultures-46

Nice Close Views of Swainson's Today

Sunny, calm wind and upper 60's-low 70's. Just after 9A kettles of 35 TV's and 71 Swainson's came out of the Roadrunner Club. TV's came up from Pekoff Farm as well. Just after 10A TV's and Swainson's were spotted that brought the totals up.

This week Calavera Hills Middle School in Carlsbad, Ishi Hills Middle School in Oroville, and Southgate Middle School in Los Angeles joined the Hawkwatch. Thanks for bringing your students to share this conservation story. Don Callejon Middle School from the Southern San Francisco Bay area sent some awesome letters from last week's visit.

From Mrs. Brown's students:

Q. "What is the average lifespan of a Swainson's Hawk?"

A. The life span of a Swainson's Hawk is 7-8 years on average. The longest wild Swainson's record is 24 years. Swainson's Hawks die from collisions with cars, electrocution, shooting, hailstorms, and predators (Great Horned Owls, Golden Eagles, Coyotes and Bobcats). The first year of a Swainson's Hawk life is the most dangerous. About 50% of juvenile Swainson's don't make it to a second year.

Evening Watch:
A slow evening with a dozen TV's coming in plus around 12-15 Swainson's. Most of the raptors settled into the date farm. Our first big wave of Swainson's Hawks is probably over. After the predicted storm this weekend we should have another wave.

Prediction for Thursday:
Once again we will have sunny and warm weather tomorrow. The few Swainson's and TV's will kettle up around 9A unless the predicted winds continue into the morning hours.

Nice sky today for a Swainson's Hawk kettle. Find the TV.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-235
Turkey Vultures-34
Red-tailed Hawks-3

Another Great Migration Today: ALERT for Wednesday

Lift-off from the date farm and near The Springs RV Park at 9:15A. The weather was sunny and 70 by 10A with a very light breeze. Kettles up to 75 hawks came very close to the watch site. A kettle of 92 SW's came late (11A), streaming to the northwest.

How far do the hawks fly in a day? The distance covered in a day will depend on weather conditions. SW's migrate from 50-200 miles in a day. The average may be around 80-100 miles. Today, I spent some time in Coyote Canyon at another viewing site. The hawks traveled the 5 miles from the day site in about 1/2 hour. That's 10mph. If the hawks are flying at this speed they will travel around 7 or 8 hours and 70-80 miles today.

Evening Watch:
Once again we observed several Swainson's Hawks and Turkey Vultures drop into roosts. Somewhere between 150 and 200 Swainson's and at least 100 Turkey Vultures played in the wind this evening. From 5:45P-7P Swainson's meandered about until dropping into the date farm and a tree at a private home near The Springs RV Park.

Prediction for Wednesday:
Strong wind will continue until early Wednesday morning. If the wind should die down by sunup, the Swainson's and TV's will remain in roosts until 8:30-9:30A. Lift-off from the date farm should be very impressive. Observation from the evening site, Di Giorgio Rd or the count site will be good. If it continues to be windy, all the raptors will leave the roost by 7:30A.

Several Swainson's Hawks in a Eucalyptus Tree 3/13/12

Monday, March 12, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-329
Turkey Vultures-35
Cooper's Hawk-1

Biggest Day of the Year: ALERT for Tueday

A warm clear day with a slight breeze from the southwest. Lift-off from the date farm at 9:15A. Swainson's Hawks formed at least 3 kettles and began streaming back and forth between the kettles. A great day to observe kettles forming, followed by streaming and more kettles forming.

Evening Watch:
Another exciting evening as over 100 Swainson's Hawks meandered about before settling in a few different locations. Most of the hawks are in the date farm. At least 32 are located in a large Eucalyptus Tree north of The Springs RV park. The rest may be at De Anza or Pekoff Farm. Twenty-four Turkey Vultures were last seen moving south.

Prediction for Tuesday:
Hopefully the wind predicted for tonight will calm down by sunup. If so the hawks will begin to kettle between 9A and 9:45A. Expect the number to be over 100 and possibly much higher as more birds may come in late. Best places to view the hawks are Di Giorgio Rd around Big Horn or at the evening site on Borrego Valley. The official day site is also good as the leader and volunteers can help you locate hawks.

Where do the hawks go after leaving Borrego Valley? Most of our hawks move through Coyote Canyon and exit near Anza. We have little information as to the whereabouts of the SW's after Anza. Tonight's destination is unknown. Unfortunately we get few reports of the Swainson's Hawks when they leave here. Perhaps the hawks with radio transmitters will shed some light on the next destination.

Streaming from Kettle to Kettle

Part of a large kettle 3/12/12

Sunday, March 11, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-278
Turkey Vultures-6

ALERT: Over 200 Swainson's Tonight

Mostly cloudy conditions early with calm wind. Over 75 Swainson's Hawks were visible in the date farm. As the morning progressed a breeze from the southeast at 8:40AM standard time finally got the Swainson's up from the date farm. (9:40A-Daylight Savings Time). Kettles of SW's continued to move to the west and then northwest through Coyote Canyon. Great views today as the hawks remained very low. By the end of the first hour 224 SW's were counted. Small kettles continued for the next hour bringing the total to 278. Only 6 TV's were observed leaving the valley.

How do you count the swirling hawks? We wait until the hawks begin to stream. Pictured to the right is a stream of hawks searching for a thermal. The birds are spread out and flying in the same direction. The 18 hawks pictured here were part of a group of over 200. The stream continued for a few minutes. Using a counting clicker we count each bird after it passes a fixed point. When the hawks are funneling about in the rising heat bubble, it is difficult to count. They will twirl in two circular directions.

Evening Watch:
I just returned from the evening watch 7:10P. Hawks were still dropping into the date farm. Watchers from yesterday counted many more than the previous evening. Over 200 and possibly 300 Swainson's are now roosting at the date farm. Twenty-four TV's are in the area as well.

The windy conditions now should diminish by early morning. Expect 250-300 Swainsons's Hawks to migrate tomorrow from the date farm. Lift-off should be between 8:45A and 9:45A. Earlier if the wind persists. A good location to view the lift-off is at the evening site on Borrego Valley Rd. Also, from the junction of Big Horn and Di Giorgio Rd. The day site on Di Giorgio also provides a view.

Streaming Swainson's Hawks 3/10/2012

Saturday, March 10, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-13
Turkey Vultures-102

ALERT: About 200 Swainson's Are In

We have information concerning the Swainson's Hawks with radio transmitter's attached. As of March 9th only one bird has crossed the US border from Mexico. Three are still in South America, 2 are in Central America and 3 in Mexico. The lone bird that crossed the border on March 7th came in 10 miles west of Mexicali and continued northwest. It flew 2 miles west of Santa Ysabel and on March 8 it was 2 miles east of Valley Center near Escondido. by March 9th it was in Kern County. This bird was quite a bit west of Borrego Springs. Most of the birds are moving northward but don't seem to be in a great rush to get back on the breeding grounds. When they decide to move, they move fast. See today's Evening Watch below.

Warm, clear and calm wind today, Turkey Vultures began to kettle up at 8:30A. At least 3 kettles formed above the date farm. Swainson's Hawks joined them and all began to stream northwest over the watch site.

A reminder concerning the time change tomorrow. Our raptors fly on standard time. So birds leaving the roost tomorrow at 8:45A will be leaving tomorrow at 9:45A.

Evening Watch:
Joe Hopkins had a group out this evening from the park. An introduction to the hawkwatch. Little did they know what was in store for them. At 4:45P we looked up to see a huge kettle of Swainson's Hawks above the date farm. For over an hour the birds meandered about and finally landed in the west side of the date farm. Photo's can't capture the beauty of the flight. Counts exceeding 200 were made.

Prediction for Sunday:
The winds should pick up in the morning. The birds will probably be up early. Between 185-250 Swainson's Hawks and around 20 TV's will take off between 7:30-8:30A new time (unless the wind stays light). If we are lucky and wind is light, the hawks will depart around 9A.

Coming in to Roost/Date Farm 3/10/12

Friday, March 9, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-17
Turkey Vultures-53

Close Views of Swainson's Today

Clear, very calm, 60's to low 70's. Lift-off of Swainson's at 8:41A and 8:50A for the Turkey Vultures. The SW's took off from the date farm, the TV's from Roadrunner Club.

Evening Watch:
Lots of TV's coming to roost at the Date Farm this evening. Only 12 Swainson's were spotted coming in as well.

Prediction for Saturday:
The weather should remain calm until evening. Clear skies and temperature in the mid-70's. Expect the Swainson's to lift-off between 8:30-9:15A. The TV's will follow. Again, a good location to be close to the raptors is the evening site on Borrego Valley Rd.

Dark Morph and Light Morph Swainson's Hawks 3/9/12

Thursday, March 8, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-73
Turkey Vultures-8

Great Views of Swainson's Hawk Kettles

As predicted, the wind remained light as the breeze picked up at 8:25A from the southeast. Kettles of SW's began to rise from the date farm at 8:25A and continued for 15 minutes. Some Swainson's streamed low to the west. Most of the SW's passed over the count site. Turkey Vultures began to lift-off from Pekoff farm at 9:40A. The temperature ranged form mid 50's to 68.

This week Don Callejon middle school in Santa Clara, Wilson Junior High in El Centro and Anderson Middle school from Shasta county visited the Borrego Valley Hawkwatch LIVE via videoconference. Thank you for visiting the Borrego Valley Hawkwatch and being interested in conservation projects that help to preserve and protect the species of our planet. People like you can make a difference in their local areas by learning about the habitats that various species need to survive.

Evening Watch:
A pleasant evening as over 50 Turkey Vultures were observed coming into the Roadrunner Club. At least 15 and perhaps more Swainson's Hawks dropped into the Date Farm.

Prediction for Friday:
Winds should be light with lift-off between 8:30A and 9:30A. A good spot to view the hawks and vultures is the evening watch site on Borrego Valley Road, the junction of Big Horn and Di Giorgio Rd and the day site on Di Giorgio.

Perched Swainson's Hawks in the Date Farm 3/8/12

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-36
Turkey Vultures-19

ALERT-Nice Kettle of Swainson's In Town at 5:15P This Evening

The ferocious wind continued through Tuesday night and the Swainson's Hawks and Turkey Vultures migrated by 7:30 Wednesday morning. In our new brochure we talk about wave periods. We are now entering a wave a few days before March 10th. This is based on past year arrivals.

Evening Watch ALERT:
A nice flight into the date farm of at least 50 Swainson's Hawks. Fourteen TV's flew in as well. All of the raptors settled into the date farm on Borrego Valley Rd.

Prediction for Tomorrow:
The weather should cooperate with light wind from the SSE, warming to the low 70's. Our experience has been that the numbers that arrive in the evening are only 1/2-3/4 of the hawks that fly in. So tomorrow we should have some nice Swainson's kettles. A good place to view them would be on Borrego Valley Rd. across from the date farm, or Big Horn and Di Giorgio Rd. and finally the day site on Di Girogio Rd. Expect the hawks and vultures to kettle up between 8:30A and 9:30A.

Kettle of Swainson's Hawks

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-0
Turkey Vultures-3

Very Windy This Evening

Windy conditions early, warm and sunny. As the day progressed the wind picked up. Gusts to 60 mph by the evening. Only 3 TV's of several observed migrated.

A question was raised concerning the day watch site. Although on private property, the public is invited if a liability waiver is signed once for the season. So join us. As the season progresses and the number of hawks increases, we may restrict public participation on "The Hill". Viewing from below the hill works fine. If the roost site is easily accessible by roadways, we may direct viewers to another site to watch the hawks take off.

Evening Watch:
A sandstorm necessitated car viewing. At least 35 Swainson's Hawks and 18 Turkey Vultures set down in or near the date farm. This is the largest concentration of SW's thus far this season.

Prediction for tomorrow:
The wind, with gusts predicted into the 70's is now plummeting the desert. Hopefully by sunup the wind will diminish. If the windy conditions persist, the SW's will leave the roost early.

Monday, March 5, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-8
Turkey Vultures-6

Some Swainson's in the Mix Today

Temperatures ranged from the upper 50's to 80. The sky was overcast with some nice blue holes. the wind was calm. TV's began to kettle up at 9:40P. Swainson's Hawks joined the TV's. The SW's lifted off from the date farm. Initially more than 6 TV's were observed. However only 6 migrated.

Evening Watch:
Ten Turkey Vultures were observed flying over The Springs RV park this evening. They may have landed in the adjoining Eucalyptus trees or the Date Farm. No reports of Swainson's Hawks.

Prediction for Tomorrow:
We will once again experience some strong winds with gusts to 65 mph. So hold onto your hat. With strong wind, the TV's will get up and out early.

Pictured below is "The Hill" as we affectionately call it. We are located on private property (Roadrunner Tree Farm). Mike Spiecherman, the manager, plows sand high enough for us to perch on. Although not high, it gives us a view over the tops of Tamarisk trees surrounding us.

"The Hill"

Sunday, March 4, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-2
Turkey Vultures-9
Northern Harrier-1

Slow Day with Some Migration

Clear, sunny and a light wind from the southeast. Air temperature rising from 60's to near 80 by 11AM. Lift-off of Turkey Vultures at 9:30A probably from Roadrunner Club. Two Swainson's Hawks observed to the north at 9:45P. Just after 10A more TV's and a Northern Harrier were spotted moving northwest through Coyote Canyon. Probably the most exciting event was the flyby of two crows.

Evening Watch:
A warm evening with only 10 Turkey Vultures dropping into the Roadrunner Club.

Prediction for Tomorrow:
Continued warm weather (upper 80's) tomorrow. Expect some migration late (after 9A) unless some wind gets the TV's up early.

Pictured below is LuAnn Thompson with the state park truck used for the PORTS program. LuAnn will be broadcasting from the hawkwatch to schools throughout southern California. The Hawkathon last year helped raise money for the program.

Saturday, March 3, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-0

No Hawks Migrating Today

Sunny, 70 degrees and a slight wind. No hawks moved past the watch.

Evening Watch:
14 Turkey Vultures came in at 5P and flew north. The roost site has not been identified. Often early evening vultures are followed by Swainson's Hawks. It is possible that late SW's have arrived. This is the optimistic view.

Prediction for Tomorrow:
Continued warm conditions with light wind are predicted for tomorrow. The TV's will probably be flying after 9A tomorrow. We will see upper 80 degree weather by Monday and continuing for the next 2 weeks. Late evening flights should start to develop soon.

Pictured below is a view north after a snowfall at high elevation. Toro Peak is 8900' high. In the foreground are dead Tamarisk trees. Live tams are pictured a little further out.

Looking north on Feb 20th, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-11
Turkey Vultures-29

Breezy with Some Migration Today

60's today and sunny with a slight breeze from the southwest. At 8:16A SW's began to lift off from Roadrunner. By 8:30A 18 TV's were reported at the mouth of Palm Canyon. At 9:37A TV's were spotted heading toward Coyote Canyon.

Evening Watch:
A few Swainson's and TV's were observed. No big dropout this evening.

Prediction for tomorrow:
The wind will diminish overnight. Only a few raptors are expected to migrate.

The satellite photo below provides a view of the upper Borrego Valley from Borrego Springs (Christmas Circle) to the mouth of Coyote Canyon in the northwest mountains. A red dot indicates Christmas Circle. DiGiorgio Road is just west of the green area above the "orr" in Borrego. The morning watch site is at the northwest corner of the northern of the two brown squares to the north. Most migrating raptors move over the citrus groves (the green squares north of the DiGiorgio Road hawkwatch site) and exit the canyon over Lower Willows, the black area in the upper left portion of the map.

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-3
Turkey Vultures-4

February Summary

Brisk, chilly NW wind 20-25 mph, clear sky. TV's began to lift-off at 7:50A probably from the date farm. They moved north past Ellis Farm and then northwest via Coyote Canyon. The SW's were spotted over Roadrunner then streaming northwest via De Anza. Pictured today is a Swainson's Hawk on breeding grounds near Sacramento, CA. from a few days ago.

Monthly totals: February 15-February 29
Turkey Vultures totaled 182 this February. The highest Feb. total for TV's was 595 in 2005. The lowest total was 107 in 2007. The average for the past 9 years is 305.

Swainson's Hawks totaled 78 this February. The highest Feb. total for SW's was 384 in 2005. The lowest toal was 12 in 2007. The average for the past 9 years is 179

Red-tailed Hawks totaled 6. The average is 9. Only 2 White-tailed Kites were observed in Feb in the last 9 years. One this year and one in 2004. Missing the month were Ospreys, Northern Harriers, Sharp-shinned Hawks, Cooper's Hawks, Red-shouldered Hawks, Ferruginous Hawks, Merlins, Peregrines and Prairie Falcons. In past years some of the above migrated in February.

Evening Watch:
Fourteen Swainson's Hawks and 21 TV's blew into town this evening on winds up to 60 mph. The TV's may have set down at the Roadrunner RV park. One SW touched down in the date farm, the rest stayed up late to play in the wind.

Prediction for Tomorrow:
Continued very windy with gusts to 45 mph. Both the TV's and SW's will leave town early.

Swainson's Hawk from a few days ago
Courtesy of Suzie Sjnishio

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-25
Turkey Vultures-24

Some Nice Swainson's Action Today

Calm wind for most of the morning, cool with some high clouds, sunny. Besides the migrants, Redtails and a Harrier were spotted hunting. A Golden Eagle sat on a telephone pole a few miles south of the watch. First lift-off was just before 9A from Roadrunner RV Park (TV's) and the Date Farm. The SW's roosted at the date farm. Most of the raptors moved west then North using updrafts along the mountains rather than thermals.

Evening Watch:
Three Swainson's Hawks descended into the date farm this evening.

Prediction for Tomorrow:
We have a wind advisory through tomorrow. Gusts to 60mph are possible. Any Swainson's in the valley will probably depart at sunup.

Juvenile Golden Eagle on DiGiorgio Rd 2/29/12

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Migration Today-0

Radioed Swainson's Are on the Move

A very cool morning with no raptor movement. Exciting news however, the Swainson's Hawks with attached radio transmitters are on their way north. According to Jim Estep "We downloaded data today and the furthest north is near Hermosillo, Mexico. They're still stretched out as far south as Columbia, but it looks like they're moving pretty fast. The first of them should cross the US border in a day or two". Hopefully we'll be lucky and one or more will work their way into Borrego Valley.

The Swainson's Hawk pictured here was captured in Borrego Springs a few years ago. This hawk was part of a research project (not related to the work described above).

I need to amend comments made on Feb 21 about the recently captured Swainson's Hawks. The radio's were attached to birds on their breeding grounds in Sacramento Valley, not in Mexico to Bolivia. They have been tracked since last summer to locations from Central Mexico to Bolivia where they were wintering until recently.

Evening Watch:
Eight TV's settled along Palm Canyon Drive. Eight Swainson's Hawks dropped into the date farm. Of interest is a call from one of our leaders concerning a sighting of TV's and SW's near Tamarisk Grove at 12:30PM. These could be the same birds.

Prediction for Tomorrow:
Light wind will greet the valley early. Increasing winds during the day and into the evening. Gusts to 50 mph are predicted tomorrow night. If we don't have a windy beginning tomorrow, expect lift-off between 8 and 9A.

Captured Swainson's Hawk from Borrego Springs

Monday, February 27, 2012
Migration Today:

Only 6 TV's migrated today in a mostly cloudy windy cool day.

Evening Watch:
On a rainy cold evening we did get good looks at two dark morph Swainson's Hawks and 6 incoming Turkey Vultures.

Prediction for tomorrow:
The rain and wind should diminish by daybreak. Light winds are predicted for tomorrow with temps in the low 60's. The two SW's and the TV's will probably move early if there is wind.

Sunday, February 26, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-7
Red-tailed Hawks-1
Turkey Vultures-19

Hopeful for a Migration Monday Evening

Discussion: Sunny and warm conditions continued today. Wind was 5 mph from the southeast. The Western and Mountain Bluebirds were observed again from the watch. One of the six crows that have been seen often, returned for a flyby. Swainson's Hawks beat the TV's for lift-off from the date farm a 8:45A. Small kettles of TV's came up from the date farm at 9:15A and the Roadrunner RV park. A few of the raptors, including Swainson's came close to the watch. Our first flying ant was spotted as well.

Evening Watch:
No apparent incoming raptors this evening.

Prediction for Tomorrow:
The wind should pick up tonight into tomorrow night. Gusts to 60 mph are expected. Often on windy days several raptors will descend into the valley. Although nothing came in this evening, tomorrow evening could be eventful.

Come-on-in Turkey Vulture, Palm Canyon Drive, 2/26/2012

Saturday, February 25, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-2
Red-tailed Hawks-1
Turkey Vultures-33

Some Action, but Still Waiting for More Swainson's

The weather began at 60 degrees and finished at 80. No clouds today and calm wind becoming breezy by 10 from the west. Lift-off at 8:30A-the SW's moved quickly out of the valley. The TV's lifted off at 8:55A. The Redtail and another group of TV's took off at 9:30A.

Evening Watch:
Four dark morph Swainson's Hawks flew into the date farm. No other activity. A later amendment: 6 additional SW's and 7 Turkey Vultures were spotted in the area by another watcher. They also put down in the date farm.

Prediction for Tomorrow:
It looks like the heavy wind forecast for tomorrow will arrive in the evening through Monday. Perhaps with the weather shake up we will get some good hawk migration. We will be looking for the few hawks that came in plus hopeful surprises.

Friday, February 24, 2012
Migration Today:
Turkey Vultures-3

Hot Weather, Calm Conditions, Few Hawks

It has been a very slow three days, thus, no blog. If you see a blank day, go to Hawkcount.org and hit Monthly Summaries, scroll down to Borrego Valley and you will get an account of hawks observed if any. It's also fun to compare other months and years. For example, if you look at the past 8 years of February data, the average for the month of Feb. is around 175. This is a very small part of the seasonal totals.

The calm, hot weather probably has been an influence as well. It is even possible that conditions are good for high altitude flights. So, we might have a migration that we are not viewing.

Evening Watch:
This evening at 5PM over 30 TV's flew into the back of the date farm. Two Swainson's Hawks flew into the date farm and were viewed from the evening watch. Perhaps things will begin to liven up.

Prediction for tomorrow:
Another warm day in the 80's predicted for tomorrow. Light winds will slow the departure of the TV's and SW's. Expect lift-off between 9A and 10A. Check in at the day site on DiGiorgio Rd (2.8 miles north of Palm Canyon Drive) for more information. Joe Hopkins is our leader tomorrow. Rose, our best eyes, has arrived in town today and will certainly help us increase the number of hawks observed.

Dark Morph Swainson's Hawk, Roosting

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-1
Turkey Vultures-5

Looking for Eleven Hawks With Satellite Transmitters

The sky was clear with calm wind and warming to 70's today. Hopefully we will have a weather shakeup soon to bring in some hawks. It appears that the TV's lifted off from the Borrego Ranch area (formally La Casa Del Zorro). The SW was a dark morph and it flew directly over the watch.

Good news concerning 11 captured adult Swainson's Hawks in 2011. They have been outfitted with satellite radio transmitters. Research biologist Jim Estep tells us he will share information about the hawks as they migrate, north. The hawks were captured from Central Mexico to Bolivia. Will they pass this way or even roost in Borrego Springs? We're talking about 11 hawks out of a total population of close to 1 million! Maybe we will win the lotto. Swainson's Hawk migration map.

FOLLOWUP NOTE posted Feb 28: I need to amend the above. The radios were attached to birds on their breeding grounds in Sacramento Valley, not in Mexico to Bolivia. They have been tracked since last summer to locations from Central Mexico to Bolivia where they were wintering until recently.

Evening Watch:
Only 2 TV's were spotted coming in to roost at the date farm.

No migration Sunday Feb 19
Monday, February 20, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-2
Turkey Vultures-3

Slow Migration the Past Two Days

Migration is slow but the season is young. The sky was good for viewing high migrants. A slight breeze with 80% cloud cover. We are in a warming trend with temps in the low 70's today and 80's by Wednesday. Today we had lots of eyes and few migrants. The TV's lifted off from the date farm at 9:34A. The Swainson's Hawks flew in from an unknown location at 10:06A. Of interest is the information we got yesterday afternoon from a ranger located about 15 miles east of our hawk site. At least 19 TV's and a few SW's were observed in Ocotillo Wells, moving in a westerly direction. We may have observed these SW's and the TV's may still be in the area.

Evening Watch:
No hawks came into roost this evening, however one Swainson's Hawk was spotted in tamarisks on DiGiorgio Rd. The sunsets make up for the lack of hawks.

Prediction for Tomorrow:
Again, it looks like a slow day tomorrow.

Saturday, February 18, 2012
Swainson's Hawk-1

Very Little Migration Today

Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawk-1

Sunny and bright today with temps in the 60's, warming into the 70's. Light wind. Only 1 Swainson's Hawk was spotted perched in a Tamarisk along DiGiorgio Rd. It took flight and migrated northwest through Coyote Canyon.

Evening Watch:
Only 1 Turkey Vulture came into roost this evening.

Not much to report. We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of more Swainson's Hawks.

Friday, February 17, 2012
Migration Today: 0

No Migration Today

Last season we had migration of raptors every day. Today was the first 0 day in two seasons. The still air, and very sunny sky may have contributed to the lack or migrants. A crow (first of the year) was observed from the watch site. It looks like a Loggerhead Shrike has taken up residence near the site. Both Mountain and Western Bluebirds continue to feed across the road from the day site. Yesterday I talked about a Krider's Red-tailed Hawk observed in Palm Canyon. With a closer look it appears to be a partial albino Red-tailed Hawk

Evening Watch:
Another evening without apparent migration into the valley.

Prediction For Tomorrow:
Once again our expectation of migrating hawks is low. Perhaps the front that came through on Tuesday and Wednesday has held up the movement of hawks through Mexico. It is still very early in the season.

Partial Albino Red-tailed Hawk with another Redtail

Thursday, February 16, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-3
Turkey Vultures-23

No Apparent Raptors This Evening

All of the migrants moved in a NW direction. There are still several Mountain Bluebirds foraging across from the day site on DiGiorgio. The weather today was partly to mostly cloudy in the low 60's. A very light Krider's Redtail Hawk was observed in Palm Canyon Today.

Evening Watch:
No apparent migration in the valley this evening. Over 350 Ravens are using the date farm roost site. Our first Robin of the year perched across the street from the watch.

With the absence of migrating hawks this evening we do not expect many raptors tomorrow. However from past experience, we have been surprised.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-17
Turkey Vultures-7

Evening washout

A kettle of Swainson's Hawks and Turkey Vultures began to rise from the date farm at 8:40AM. Winds were light and increasing by 9AM. The raptors streamed to the northwest through Coyote Canyon. By 9:15AM the SW's and TV's were gone.

Evening Watch:
A steady rain halted any migration into the valley this evening. The valley needs a night of rain to prompt our annual plants to germinate. Also, a rain followed by some sun will stimulate ant colonies to swarm. Swainson's Hawks feast on flying ants. Beginning now through the middle of March, swarms contribute to the hawks diet. A good flower season promotes a healthy sphinx moth season. The SW's will feed heavily on caterpillars. Last season the SW's feasted on grasshoppers, another abundant insect in the valley.

After the rain we may see a late morning migration tomorrow. Predictions are for continued rain through the morning.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Migration Today:
Red-tailed Hawks-4
Swainson's Hawks-20
Turkey Vultures-43

Opening of the Hawk Season

Shortly after 8A this morning we recorded the first Swainson's sighting of the season. 2 SW's and 4 Red-tailed Hawks were observed kettling up near Henderson Canyon Rd. and Borrego Valley Rd. At 8:40A several Turkey Vultures and Swainson's Hawks begin to lift off southeast of Big Horn and Borrego Springs Rd. Another group begin to kettle up near The Springs RV park. The raptors moved northwest toward Coyote Canyon.

Evening Watch:
At 4:30P 7 Turkey Vultures dropped into the date farm on Borrego Valley Rd. 14 Swainson's Hawks were spotted at 5P and finally settled into the date farm as well.

Our first official count day will most likely begin with kettling hawks and TV's between 8A and 9A. You have the option of seeing the raptors from the evening site on Borrego Valley Rd 1 1/2 miles north of Palm Canyon Drive. This location is across the road from the date farm. Another viewing site would be at the junction of Big Horn and DiGiorgio Rd. Or come to the day site where experienced watchers will be located. The day site is 2.8 miles north of Palm Canyon Drive on DiGiorgio Rd. If it is windy expect an early departure. The day site has a leader every day from 8A-11A. Most often migration takes place before by 9A

Adult Swainson's Hawk, Dark Morph

Join us to learn about the Hawkwatch – We Need Your Eyes

Introduction to Hawkwatching at Borrego Valley Hawkwatch:
Basics for volunteers to help count raptors February 15-April 15
Friday February 24th, 10 a.m.
Meet at the ABDSP Visitors Center Discovery Lab

The Borrego Valley Hawkwatch needs volunteers to assist in the count of hawks as they migrate through the valley. Please join us. This training session will be an introduction to hawkwatching and techniques for counting migrating hawks. Our objective is to train new watchers to assist our leaders. If you have binoculars, please bring them. We will be going outside at the conclusion to visit the day and evening sites.

We count hawks every day, February 15-April 15. All you need to participate is a pair of eyes, a pair of binoculars, and a day commitment. Our evening site time begins 1 1/2 hours before sunset. Our day-site time is 8AM-11AM.

If you are unfamiliar with the Borrego Valley Hawkwatch, we have been gathering data since 2003. Every evening, a leader and volunteers observe hawks as they migrate into Borrego Valley. The following day the leader and volunteers count the hawks as they depart the valley. Information gathered is tabulated and sent to Hawk Migration Association of North America. The count information becomes part of a data base.

For more information and directions to the Visitors Center, contact Hal Cohen at Raptorhal3@gmail.com

Anza-Borrego Desert Natural History Association
P O BOX 310 ( 652 Palm Canyon Drive) Borrego Springs, CA 92004-0310

Office 760-767-3052 | Desert Store & Nature Center 760-767-3098 | FAX 760-767-3099