Badlands Overlook

Carrizo Badlands from the Carrizo Badlands Overlook
On the east side of County Road S-2, south of Sweeney Pass, a turnoff called
the Carrizo Badland Overlook is a popular place to stop and study the terrain.
The location is in the north end of the Coyoto Mountains.
Down the hill in front of you, you can see the popular Canyon sin Nombre
jeep trail. Canyon sin Nombre provides access to slot canyons and can be
followed to popular badlands areas such as Arroyo Tapiado and Arroyo seco
del Diablo.
In the left middle distance, you can see the dark green of mesquite around
the dry Carrizo Creek. Just past it are the rugged Vallecito-Fish Creek
Badlands, and beyond that are the Fish Creek Mountains.
This is 4-wheel drive country. If you enter it, be sure to carry plenty
of water.

