Central Anza-Borrego: Split Mountain Road

Anticline, Split Mountain Gorge
Split Mountain Road runs south of Highway 78 from Ocotillo wells to the U.S.Gypsum
Company quarry. At various times this area was the setting for an inland sea
and for a lake. It is still possible to see waterlines on the mountainsides
and seashell fragments on the ground.
Split Mountain Road leads to several of Anza-Borrego's most popular destinations,
- Elephant Tree Area
- Elephant Tree Trail, Malperia Ridge, Alma Wash, Alma Canyon, Starfish
- Split Mountain Gorge
- Where the Fish Creek mountains on the left meet the Vallecito Mountains
on the right. Earthquakes and some horrific miles-long landslides have helped
shape this two-mile stretch which includes places geologists call The Wall,
The Face, The Amphitheatre, The Boulder Bed, The Anticline, and the Crazycline.
- Vallecito-Fish Creek Badlands
- Wind Caves, North Fork, Elephant Knees, Loop Wash, Camels Head Wash, Blackwood
Basin, Layer Cake, Sandstone Canyon, Olla Wash, Hapaha Flat, Harper Flat
- Road EC 058
- US Gypsum Mine, Fish Creek Mountains, Plaster City

