This trip opens for registration at 8:00 AM on Tuesday November 1, 2022

In the past, this trip has filled very quickly - in less than 20 minutes!


Click To Go To Registration Page


If you are on the registration page before 8 AM you must be sure to refresh/reload this page (circular arrow on top left of your screen) at 8:00:00 AM.


The registration form will take just a few minutes to complete and asks for the following info: email, name, address, phone, date of birth, accommodation request (single or double), roommate (if known), planned payment method (online or US mail), and electronic signature.


There is space for 24 people on the trip.


Each person must complete a registration form. A couple or pair of roommates must complete 2 forms, one for each person. The registration time of the first form counts as the registration time for both people.


Payment of $500 per person is due by November 8, so it does not have to be submitted at the same time as registration.
