Important Information for Hikers
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In order to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all hikers we ask you to read the
following information before participating in ABDNHA hikes.
The text of the ABDNHA Activity Participant Release Form is also listed below so that you can read
it before you hike.  All participants are required to sign the form before the activity begins. The release
form releases the hike leader and ABDNHA from liability.
Hikers are responsible for being prepared for desert hiking.

Close-toed shoes are required.
2. Carry enough water for the hike you are doing; 1 liter is a minimum for a 4 mile hike in mild weather.  Add more water for longer hikes, more demanding hikes, and hikes during periods of higher temperature.  Drink whenever you are thirsty; don't "stockpile water" for when you become extremely thirsty.
3. Bring snacks
4. Hikers must stay with the group and complete the hike with the hike leader. Stay with the group, never wander away from the hiking route without informing the hike leader or the sweep.
5. Read the hike rating and the description of the hike you plan to take and do not particiate in hikes that are beyond your physical condition.
6.  If you need to end a hike early, from an injury, under-preparedness, or other reason, follow the instructions of the hike leader.  It may be necessary to have someone accompany you back to your vehicle.
7. Ask your hike leader if you have any questions about a hike. The best time to drop out of a hike is before you begin.
8. All participants in all ABDNHA activities, hikes, birding trips, biking, 4WD trips, etc. must sign ABDNHA's Participant Release Form, before starting the activity.  The text of this document is listed at the bottom of this page so you can read it in advance.
Hiking in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park is different in many ways from hiking in other locations.

There are very few graded, marked, and maintained trails. Almost all hiking is on informal, never-maintained routes. With little vegetation in the way, many routes are nothing more than a suggestion to head up a ridge or wash.

The hike may follow a sandy wash, but there are often sections through very rocky terrain and sections that will require some bouldering.

The terrain may change along the way of your hike, a hike that is generally easy may have short sections that are more demanding.

Good boots with ankle support are essential for areas with loose soil and rocks.

Many canyon hikes have dry waterfalls along the way. There is usually a way up and around but the path may require some agility and your hands may be needed to help,

Some routes have areas of cactus or thorny desert shrubs and long pants are essential for these routes.   
To determine the difficulty of a hike always read the hike description in addition to the overall rating. 
The description will tell you the length of a hike, elevation gain, and if short sections that may
be different than the overall rating.

ABDNHA's hike classifications generally follow those set out by Robin Halford in her books on hiking in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park.  Distances given are always round trip. We also try to include how many vertical feet of climbing to expect    ABDNHA does not offer hikes that require any “technical” climbs. There is always a way up and around , but it may require some strength and agility.  

Minimal incline / decline; possibly some soft sand and / or a few boulders to scramble over. Your hands will be in your pockets.  

Examples of these hikes include:
●     Truckhaven Wash
●     Glorieta Wash
●     Nolina Wash
●     Bottom of Hawk Canyon
●     Culp Valley to Lookout Point
●     T-Canyon ●     Overlook of the Little Grand Canyon  

EASY T0 MODERATE    Similar to “FAIRLY EASY,” but with a few step-ups, from 6 to 12 inches. Uneven ground. Hands may be needed here and there.

Examples of these hikes include:
●     Pena Spring, via CRHT
●     Hike up the bottom of the Little Grand Canyon
●     Bow Willow  

Noticeable incline / decline; some boulder hopping, uneven ground with occasional rubble, and / or soft sand. Hands will probably be required.  

Examples of these hikes include:
●     Borrego Palm Canyon
●     Culp Valley Spring
●     Glorieta Canyon
●     Hawk Canyon Overlook
●     Yaqui Well
●     Moonlight Canyon
●     Mountain Palm Springs
●     Rass Point (CRHT from Hellhole to a high point)  

Definitely some elevation change with an uneven walking surface and some boulder hopping. Hands will be required. You should have good strength and agility.  

Examples of these hikes include:
●     Hellhole Canyon
●     West Butte
●     Hawk Canyon Overlook
●     Lizard Canyon - West Fork
●     Plum Canyon
●     Hornblende Canyon
●     Inner Pasture
●     Ghost Mountain  

These hikes have very steep sections, usually with boulders or dry waterfalls that need to be negotiated. The walking surface will be rocky. Cactus growth may be a factor. Frequently no obvious path. Hands will be required. Balance essential. You should have excellent strength and agility.  

Examples of these hikes include:
●     Rainbow Canyon
●     Alcoholic Pass
●     Cool Canyon
●     Sentenac Mountain
●     Yaqui Pass West Loop
  Your activity leader will have a copy of this form for all participants to sign before the activity
begins. The text of the form is shown below.  You are encouraged to read this document before you sign it.

I am aware that during the tour, hike, or activity that I am participating in under the arrangements of the Anza-Borrego Desert Natural History Association and its agents or associates, certain risks and dangers may occur, including but not limited to hazards while walking along trails, accidents or illness in areas remote from medical facilities; the forces of nature, and travel by automobile or other conveyance. In consideration of and as part payment for the right to participate in such an activity I have and assume the full risks and all legal responsibility for injury to myself or loss of property resulting from participation in this activity, and waive all claims and release, and hold Anza-Borrego Desert Natural History Association its instructors, directors, officers, employees, representatives, agents and affiliates harmless from any and all liability, actions, causes of action, debts, claims and demands, which I now have or which may arise in connection with my participation in any Anza-Borrego Desert Natural History Association activity.  

The terms hereof shall serve as release and assumption of risk for my heirs, personal representatives, executors, administrators, and for all members of my family. I affirm that my general health is good and that I am not under a doctor's care for any condition that will endanger my health or the health of other participants. In case of injury and /or illness, I will bear the cost of any evacuation procedures such as ambulance, helicopter, rescue team, and professional medical care. I understand that I must provide my own health and accident insurance. My participation in an Anza-Borrego Desert Natural History Association activity is entirely voluntary.  

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