Annual Membership
Fee is $500
  A targeted exposure to people who live or visit Borrego Springs
  Multiple listings on the ABDNHA.ORG website, with your logo, business description, and live linkes directly to your website.
  Your web listings will appear on the most popular pages of the ABDNHA website, The Activity Calendar, Things to do in Borrego Springs, and the Wildflower Updates page.
  Approximately 50,000 web impressions per year from just these three pages, plus other listings that change with content.
  You logo also appears in ABDNHA email blasts, with thousands of additional business connections.
  A listing five times per year in The Sand Paper Newsletter, which goes to all of our members and local hotels.
  Opportunities for special ABDNHA promotions are supporting the work of ABDNHA, which offers programs and activities that bring people to Borrego Springs


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When you join ABDNHA as a Business Member, visible messages of your support are placed where our members and other Borrego visitors will see them, on the ABDNHA website, in The Sand Paper, our membership newsletter, in email blasts, on flyers in the ABDNHA Nature Center, and in other locations that will focus attention on your business throughout the desert season.


ABDNHA’s membership consists of more than 2,000 households, a mixture of full-time residents, seasonal residents, regular winter-time visitors, and friends of the desert who visit and do business in Borrego Springs. Thousands of others visit our website each year, many in preparation for trips to Anza-Borrego.


ABDNHA’s business membership is a partnership. Your business supports the educational and tourism-related work of ABDNHA, and you receive the benefit of presenting your business and what you offer to the many people who come to ABDNHA for our educational programs and information.

Current ABDNHA Business Members
