If You Are Big
on Rocks, Minerals and Geology, then the BRAG Club Should be Big with You.
Got rock? The Borrego Rock and Gem (BRAG) Club is for people who want to
learn about rocks and minerals, general geology and participate in geology
related field trips and lectures. The club has been rocking since February
BRAG club membership is obtained through joining two organizations -
ABDNHA (Anza-Borrego Desert Natural History Association) and CFMS
(California Federation of Mineralogical Societies).
ABDNHA membership allows the club to use ABDNHA's facilities, office
equipment, display and web space. Additional information regarding ABDNHA
can be found at their website: www.abdnha.org CFMS membership allows the club to
have liability insurance, take part in CFMS-sponsored field trips, and have
access to CFMS videos, books and other teaching tools. Further information
regarding CFMS can be found at their website: www.cfmsinc.org
Cost breakdown of BRAG Membership
ABDNHA Basic Membership - $35.00* / year
*You can also join ABDNHA at a higher level if you wish to support desert
BRAG club dues - $16
Additional members of the same family $10
BRAG fees include
CFMS Membership and insurance.
TOTAL: $51.00 per year
How do I Join?

For online membership, download the BRAG
membership packet. Fill out the
BRAG Membership Application Form in the packet, and send the application,
together with payment, to the address on the form.