ABDNHA is a small non-profit educational organization and we do not have a
paid staff of writers or other contributors for the material on our website or
our newsletter, The Sand Paper. We rely upon the ABDNHA community
for that, a wide-ranging group of people that includes
hikers, geologists, botanists and plant-lovers, historians, birders, wildlife experts,
archeologists, educators, astronomers, 4-wheelers, photographers, and many others
who are knowledgeable and passionate
about what they do.
Some of our writers will write an article from time to time, while others
are regular contributors, writing short pieces on a regular basis on their
specific topic. We are interested in trip descriptions of desert travels
and hikes, stories about specific locations, articles about the desert
environment and the natural world, history, desert living, and other topics
that pertain to Anza-Borrego.
Submissions can range from 250 - 300 words for a sidebar with photo, to
approximately 500 - 700 words for a piece about a hike, a favorite place or
other specific topic, to 750 - 1000 words or more, plus photos and captions,
for an in-depth article.
Many of our contributors are skilled non-professionals, or "dedicated amateurs", people with special interests who take on projects such as the updating of our wildflower and birding reports, consolidation of information during the annual Swainson's hawk migration, the sheep count, etc.
We are also interested in individuals with skills in graphic design, photography,
and web development, who can produce printed materials or
assist with portions of our website.
Writing for ABDNHA gives you a way to share your experiences and knowledge
with a group of people who care about the desert as you do. It is both
rewarding and fun!
If any of this sounds like YOU, and if you want to share your skills, we would like to hear from you!
Please get in touch with us if you would like to submit your work.
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